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School Performance Information & Ofsted


In June 2023, Beechview had an Ofsted Monitoring visit where the judgement was positive with: 

'Leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the school to become good'

From this monitoring letter, it is evident we have made huge gains from the previous Ofsted report, and we are excited about our continued improvements and the progress at Beechview. 


Please click here to read our latest Ofsted report

Overall Effectiveness: Requires Improvement

The quality of education: Requires Improvement

Behaviours and attitudes: Good

Personal development: Good

Leadership and management: Requires Improvement

We are delighted with the Good Grading in two key areas: ‘Behaviours and Attitudes’ and ‘Personal Development’. These areas were deemed requiring improvement in the last inspection, so we are very pleased with the progress we as a school have made. Ofsted identified a “friendly atmosphere in the school” which is created through “nurturing relationships between staff and pupils”. “Pupils like their school” and “are proud of their school and feel that they belong in the community it serves”.

We continue to drive accelerated improvement in the other areas, and we are positive we are on the correct trajectory to see Beechview as a Good graded school and beyond.

Some key comments from the report that we are proud of: 

“Leaders are determined to prepare all pupils for their next stage of education as well as possible… Leaders are clear on further improvements required”. 

“Behaviour in the school is calm… Pupils are taught how to stay safe and are confident that any adult will help them if they need it.” 

“Pupils are keen to learn” 

End of KS2 School Performance Data 2023

The 2023 end of Key Stage 2 assessments (completed in the summer term of Year 6) assessed the pupils against the expectations set out in the National Curriculum which was introduced in 2014. New tests and teacher assessment frameworks were introduced in 2016 (updated in 2018) to reflect the revised curriculum.

Following the tests in June, each pupil receives their test results as a scaled score in reading and maths along with a teacher assessment judgement of whether the child has met or not met the end of KS2 age related expectations in writing. 

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


See below KS2 SATs results from 2018 to date. At Beechview we wish to diminish the difference between ourselves and the national statistics. Beechview Academy is on an upward trajectory and our focus is to ensure all pupils achieve their best and make accelerated progress from all the different starting points. 

Please click here for our DfE Performance Tables and here for the DfE Find & Compare Schools page.