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Our Vision & Values

Children come to Beechview to be happy and successful.  At Beechview we are dedicated to developing independent, confident learners who love to learn and therefore thrive well beyond the gates of Beechview. 

The staff at Beechview are ambitious for our pupils and hold high aspirations for their futures, which is evident in our distinctive curriculum. Every child deserves to be successful and have access to all avenues of learning and knowledge. We recognise that all children have talents and abilities to celebrate, and a part of our role is to help them discover and develop them at Beechview and beyond. 

We are committed to developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow our children to enjoy learning, grow as independent learners and thrive. 

At Beechview, we do not just provide a broad and balanced curriculum, but much more than that, we provide a learning experience that challenges our children, enabling curiosity and independence inspired by our rich and varied curriculum. 


To ensure children leave Beechview as well-rounded individuals that contribute positively in their next step in their learning journey, we refer to 13 values that we consider to be universal: 

  • Community-minded

  • Kind

  • Helpful

  • Honest

  • Respectful

  • Caring

  • Brave 

  • Confident

  • Independent

  • Ambitious

  • Curious 

  • Persistent

  • Resilient 

We know that teaching children values improves pupils’ self-esteem, improves their behaviour and raises standards of learning even higher, whilst also making them an integral part of a positive community. 

Our values are embedded in assemblies and wherever possible the values are taught in other areas of the curriculum, alongside our restorative practice to support conflict resolution. Most importantly, adults in school ensure that we are role-models for each of the values.